K9s for Warriors Event
On Friday, my husband and I attended a wonderful event for a very special cause. The event was sponsored by Ellen Degeneres' Halo Purely Pets brand and Loewes Hotels and hosted by animal activist and best selling author, Wendy Diamond, to benefit K9 for Warriors. K9s for Warriors is a charitable organization out of Jacksonville, Florida that provides rehabilitation for war veterans through the pairing of rescued animals trained as service animals. We heard from two veterans who are part of the program and their testimonial was so incredibly touching. Both the veterans and the rescued dogs are given a second chance at life. It is truly astounding to recognize the power that animals have and how much love and light they can bring into one's life. Sean Payton, coach of the New Orleans Saints (my husband played under him for 4 years including their Superbowl Winning Season!!), stopped by and made a generous donation from himself and his Play It Forward charity. My husband was especially happy to visit with Coach and catch up!! All in all, it was a wonderful and warming afternoon. I encourage you to check out both charities on their webpages: http://paytonsplayitforward.com/ and http://www.k9sforwarriors.org/.
(From Left) Wendy Diamond, myself, Jeff Charleston, Coach Sean Payton of the New Orleans Saints